
The goal of this routine is to hit as many of each double as you can resulting in the highest score possible (scores can, and often end up negative).

Skills: Doubles


Double 1 - Double 20 and the Bullseye


You start with 27 points. Each turn up you throw all three darts trying to hit your target double. Your first turn is at Double 1, followed by another turn at Double 2, etc. Targets must be taken in sequential order 1 - 20, Bull. Doubles hit that are not your target count as a miss.

Each time you hit a double, it's value is added to your total score. If you miss the double with all three darts the value of the double is subtracted from the total score. Ex: You are on 27 points, and have just thrown three darts at Double 1. If you hit two Double 1's your score is increased by 4 (the value of the double per dart that hit it) to 31. If you missed Double 1, then your score is reduced by 2 (the value of the double) to 25. Your next turn up you are throwing at Double 2. Assuming you start this turn with 31, you hit 3 Double 2's your score is increased by 12 (the value of the double per dart that hit it) to 43. If you miss Double 2 then your score is reduced by 4 (the value of the double) to 27.

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